Tuesday, May 16, 2017

More New Construction

This ship has been sitting on the desk since March, waiting on its running rigging while I've gallivanted around doing other things.  So, last night I sat down and finished off this ship.

She's another Spanish 74, but painted in a very specific scheme.  I based this one on the painting of  Nelson in HMS Captain  capturing the Spanish San Nicolas and San Josef at the Battle of Saint Vincent in 1797.  You know, this painting:

L to R: Captain, San Nicolas, San Josef

Technically, San Nicolas was an 80 gun ship and not a 74.  Since the ship I used has stern decorations unlike any of my other Spanish third rates, I think it turned out OK.  The painting (by Nicholas Pocock, so we can be sure it's accurate) doesn't show much of the Nicholas' stern and nothing of the head, which means I could take some liberties there also.  So, with that in mind, here's the newest member of the family, a Spanish 74 painted like the San Nicolas.

As always, a shot with the Quarter of Comparison™

Unique stern decorations for a Spanish ship (so far, anyway).


  1. Superb, incredible details...

    1. Thanks! Most of that superb detail is actually cast in by Rod Langton, and I just slap paint on it trying not to obscure them too badly. As I said over on TMP, I get tired of yellow/black and so look through paintings for something different. As Nicolas Pocock was noted for his accuracy, he is always a safe bet to crib from.

  2. I really, really like her Brian. Or Him as the Spaniards would say.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Vol. Like I said over at TMP, I thought about reducing te size of the white stripes, but my hands were not up to the task.

      I knew the Russians called their ships "him," but did not know that the Spanish did as well.
