Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Quick Explanation

There were not a lot of posts in May, and I want to take a moment and explain to my visitors here why that is so.

May is traditionally the month when my wife and I go and do volunteer work out of state.  Generally, when the work is done we take a little vacation as well.  On top of that, I've been trying to get more exercise like my doctor requested (well, ordered actually).  So, this May we've been busier than normal.

There are a lot of pictures to be taken over the next month.  I've just put up a new page on another area of gaming interests, and I still haven't shown you my unrated sailing ships (brigs, sloops, schooners and etc.) yet.  Hopefully, we should be back on a regular schedule soon.

As an aside, one of the things that normally happens on our vacation is that my long-suffering spouse gets dragged to a museum that I want to visit.  They're not always serious; for example, this year I wanted to go to the SPAM Museum.  We didn't have time to do that, but it turned out that we got to do something just as much fun:

We're gonna make it after all....
Yes, it's the Mary Tyler Moore statue in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  If you're too young to know who she is, then you will just have to Google it


  1. Don’t we all need some more exercise?
    Nice picture! It’s even more endearing bc y’all are wearing matching t-shirts. 😀 I know who Tyler Moore is.

    Good on you for doing volunteer work. Hope you have a good vacation.

    1. Stew,
      Yeah, we probably all do need more exercise but no one wants to hear that. Kind of like the old saying, "everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die."

      We have worn matching shirts for years. At first it drove the kids mad, but now it's more just for fun. It's also something that was popular when we were in high school back in the late 70's early 1980's. Yes, I figured that putting that "19" in front of 80's was important :).

      The Mary Tyler Moore comment wasn't meant for you. However, once of the students in my fencing class didn't know who she was; in fairness to him, he's only about 15 though so he gets a pass. It was a fun vacation, but after a week or so I do look forward to getting home.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've been thinking about doing Great Lakes, particularly after the board game about Lake Erie comes out later this year (I hope). I have GL1, the small merchant schooner, and it will be in the next big post. Man, those ships are tiny!

  3. Oh, and for some reason Blogger is not sending me an email when someone comments. I haven't been ignoring everyone, I promise.

    1. Yeah, the system stopped working for awhile. I learned that the fix is to go into the settings, delete the notification email address, save it blank, and the re-enter it again and save. Kinda like a reset. 😀

    2. I just tried that, so let's see how it works.
